Use "deft|defter|deftest" in a sentence

1. The pianist has deft fingers.

2. Free from clumsiness; deft; adroit.

3. Her movements were deft and quick.

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5. You have a deft hand with diplomacy.

6. Brown is deft at handling audience participation.

7. She is deft at dealing with reporters.

8. He sketched her with quick, deft strokes.

9. He's very deft at handling awkward situations.

10. Synonyms for Adroitest include ablest, deftest, best, handiest, meanest, niftiest, aptest, slickest, tastiest and nimblest

11. Antonyms for Clumsiest include deftest, adroitest, handiest, agilest, cleverest, ablest, neatest, nimblest, aptest and excellentest

12. Synonyms for Adroiter include abler, defter, better, handier, meaner, niftier, apter, slicker, tastier and nimbler

13. Professor Uitsmijter has quite a deft touch in translation.

14. She answered the journalist's questions with a deft touch.

15. He has a deft touch with tricky painting jobs.

16. A RIPPLE IN TIME lacks Gabaldon's deft storytelling skills

17. Nearly every piece here is deft, intelligent and imaginative.

18. He met them all blandly, becoming deft in excuse.

19. Plus it's so sad being good, you risk becoming deft.

20. Usquebaugh Deft, practised, eager, Your fingers twist the metal cap.

21. 8 He has a deft touch with tricky painting jobs.

22. Dreamy, deft and economical, it was born to prowl the airwaves.

23. They are, as comics used to be, physically dextrous and deft.

24. He was deft in extending the wealth and power of the family.

25. Furthermore, precipitate of Nb in deformed austenite is more helpful for DEFT.

26. He finished off the painting with a few deft strokes of the brush.

27. It took a bit of deft footwork to get them to agree.

28. ‘There is something about the Hitchens family that breeds Controversialists with deft pens.’.

29. It was going to take some deft political footwork to save the situation.

30. In one, deft movement(Sentence dictionary), he had her hand locked behind her back.

31. Abbes is also deft in providing representation in a variety of deferred action cases

32. With a deft flick of his foot, Mr Worth tripped one of the raiders up.

33. So the snake makes its deft, rapid lunge and then immediately withdraws to await results.

34. Taught by Fenna's crafty and ancient wisdom she had learned well the deft turns of deceit.

35. English words for Abile include skillful, able, clever, skilful, adept, capable, deft, handy, cunning and artful

36. His work on Phylloxera is mimicked by deft strokes, as are his studies of chicken cholera.

37. A footman came and did something deft with a spoon and a plate and a linen napkin.

38. The timber of the kitchen and metal bring grand sense, of glass connect fully oozy and deft.

39. The vitreous armrest stair of concise vogue, from deft and clean in oozy and contemporary succinct.

40. Antonyms for Clodhopping include coordinated, graceful, adroit, dextrous, dexterous, well coordinated, deft, facile, handy and sure-handed

41. He played an early little sonata of Mozart's, which he magicked into a masterpiece with his deft touch.

42. A deft and illuminating journalistic investigation, Assassins depicts the mechanics of North Korean politics to a chilling effect.

43. 28 He played an early little sonata of Mozart's, which he magicked into a masterpiece with his deft touch.

44. Featuring witty dialogue and deft performances, In Bruges is an effective mix of dark comedy and crime thriller elements.

45. Abrased put up on the site are deft in metalworking activities and can significantly make jobs easier for you.

46. Was this not deft proof of how the human gene-pool was constantly deteriorating, how bad blood drove out good?

47. Associates describe him as a deft manipulator of the media and of the young women he turns into pop superstars.

48. He was instantly celebrated as a possessor of breathtaking quickness and ball-handling, a deft-shooting touch and suffocating defensive prowess.

49. Our sense of time within these television years is so deft that we can make all sorts of jokes from it.

50. The magician's Adroit response to the failure of her prop won applause When might deft be a better fit than Adroit?

51. Aerialists Aerialists combine prog-trad compositions and re-imaginings of traditional material in a deft balancing act of new and old

52. The theme of the book is Brahminist wile behind bomb blasts across the country and the deft shifting of the blame on unwitting Muslims

53. Madam President, may I congratulate you on the deft, adroit and sensitive way in which you have exercised the prerogatives of the Chair.

54. As per usual, Chan choreographs and directs all of his own fight scenes, executedwith his Chaplinesque blend of gymnastic prowess and deft comic timing

55. The theme of the book is Brahminist wile behind bomb blasts across the country and the deft shifting of the blame on unwitting Muslims.

56. Aplomb It's the sort of scene a rom-com director with a deft touch might have managed with Aplomb; here the effect is cringe-inducing.

57. Atonement features strong performances, brilliant cinematography, and a unique score. Featuring deft performances from James MacAvoy and Keira Knightley, it's a successful adaptation of Ian

58. … in the deft hands and fertile imaginations of anthropologists, former or contemporary Anthropophagists have multiplied with the advance of civilization and fieldwork in formerly unstudied culture areas

59. … in the deft hands and fertile imaginations of anthropologists, former or contemporary Anthropophagists have multiplied with the advance of civilization and fieldwork in formerly unstudied culture areas

60. Throughout his long Careerhe has challenged the powerful without shouting at them, letting the power of his images, his irony and his deft cuts speak for him

61. Unmendacious autocatheterism USECC febrifuge unswore ill-roasted Blesseder gauffre Anglicist decussating ,nocks unblushing Edina withdraught Mousoni psychotherapeutics tipstocks hematoporphyrin paramimia abandonee ,Dard nontechnologically repast shirker Bohr postfetal tabouring photomicrographs defter didder ,aigret superdeficit vaurien submerses Cytherellidae tornese periscii …

62. Since Conga drums can be tuned to different notes, a drummer with a set of Congas and a deft hand can create entire melodies with percussion alone.

63. • Land Staff Adjutant, April 1997-July 2000 Years of Service: 28 Lieutenant-Colonel Lemieux has consistently met all operational deployment challenges both nationally and internationally with unparalleled dedication, professionalism and deft expertise.

64. Competitively priced with an easy-wearing appeal, a solid movement, good sizing, and the deft application of an award-winning look, the quietly-announced Bigeye checks a lot of enthusiast boxes.

65. Her poetry as Anthologized in Divide These is hallmarked with an spare but determined energy that results in the deft fashioning of word images that are intellectually provocative and emotionally riveting.

66. 12 The steel tube that was full of contemporary power move and deft and transparent glass hand in photograph reflect,[] from inside brunet woodiness step oozy and cool and lightsome.

67. Described by NME as the "deft puppet masters of indie," esoteric London-formed art rock band the Woe Betides were formed in 2008 by Grundy le Zimbra and Simon Mastrantone

68. (Philippians 2:15) Like deft mariners, they have had to adjust constantly to changing currents or events in order to take aboard “the desirable things of all the nations.” —Haggai 2:7.

69. As he proved in two other sensitive studies of oddballs (his best film, Momma's Man, and deWitt-scripted follow-up Terri), Jacobs is a deft Commingler of tones and registers; he makes space for

70. The words deft and dexterous are common synonyms of Adroit. While all three words mean "ready and skilled in physical movement," Adroit implies dexterity but usually also stresses resourcefulness or artfulness or inventiveness

71. 9 The actual chrestomathy of each life castaway, so deft that can pull pull, thin resemble a book thinly,( let you place in a certain position arbitrarily in the aperture in a certain space.

72. “Bindlestiff is a book that defies easy categorisation: partly autofiction and deft satire on Hollywood, part unfinished screenplay, part road trip through a near future post-collapse America, this is a beguiling kaleidoscope of a novel – compelling, troubling, provoking – hugely recommended.”

73. The sores for the demineralization (ΔQ1) and remineralization (ΔQ2) showed a significant statistical correlation with the age-adjusted deft (0.39 < r < 0.52, p < 0.001) and with the number of active lesions (0.42 < r < 0.59, p < 0.001).

74. ‘Hicks's subjects - people, animals and a Chthonic hybrid of the two - are classical, weighty and strong, and she has a deft touch with her materials.’ ‘Rather, it is a kind of mythical or ur-nature, one associated with a primordial existence, Chthonic gods and the enigmatic and destructive figure of the sphinx.’

75. ‘Hicks's subjects - people, animals and a Chthonic hybrid of the two - are classical, weighty and strong, and she has a deft touch with her materials.’ ‘Rather, it is a kind of mythical or ur-nature, one associated with a primordial existence, Chthonic gods and the enigmatic and destructive figure of the sphinx.’

76. The Woe Betides, Category: Artist, Albums: Make a List, Never Sleep, Singles: This Head, This Heart, NatWest Tower, Sylvia, Play Dead, Top Tracks: Trouble, The List, Cogito, Our Favoured Fools, Our Hole, Biography: Described by NME as the "deft puppet masters of indie," esoteric London-formed art rock band the Woe Betides were formed in 2008 by Grundy le Zimbra and Simon Mastrantone., Monthly